Day 6 – Forgiveness
7 days of presence | a course in inner peace
Day 6 is all about exploring forgiveness. Lasting spiritual awakening cannot happen without cultivating forgiveness on some level. Forgiveness is the element of harmony, which heals first yourself, and then other people as a consequence. Forgiveness creates beauty in your life. The aim today is not to try to forgive by force. You need to explore and cultivate how the idea of forgiveness feels. Don't trust your first thoughts about forgiveness—dig deeper to find its true meaning. When you do this, you will discover deep peace awaiting for you.
Your thoughts are your primary burden. The constant chatter of your mind heavily burdens you. If you cannot make your mind stop whenever needed, then you need to cultivate forgiveness. Whether or not you agree on this now is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you make an effort to learn and determine if this statement is true. At first glance, there might not be any reason why you should forgive yourself or anyone else. Yet, this day will encourage you to go further and break the patterns of your initial reactions and habitual thinking.
Release yourself of the burden of yourself. No one in your world needs to be forgiven, but you are always the one who needs to forgive. Forgiveness is brought forth by all-encompassingawareness. Itannihilatesthemind-made meanings and stories you bear within. When your false identity subsides, forgiveness is as easy as breathing. The problems concerning yourself or anyone else disappear on the same breath with your false identity.
your guidance today
Be aware of your judging thoughts about yourself and other people.
Even the smallest thought of judgment or dissatisfaction makes you forget who you are. Don't take any of your thoughts and emotions for granted. Investigate them. Place them under the spotlight of your attention. Seek to reveal what your thoughts tell about yourself. You will quickly discover that you are a slave to your thoughts. However, don't take these words for it, but find out yourself. You will see that unjudging awareness of anything changes everything.
Forgive yourself for judging yourself.
You are not as your thoughts describe you, neither in good or bad. You are not what you think other people might think of you—that's all egoistic illusion in your mind. Whenever a thought arises that describes what others think of you, forgive yourself for that thought. Whenever a thought appears, judging, comparing, or criticizing yourself, forgive yourself for that thought. You are the most lovable being in the world, not because of your attributes— which are never truthfully perceived in any case—but because you exist.
Forgive yourself for judging others.
Other people are not as your thoughts describe them, neither in good or bad. Whenever you judge, compare, or criticize others, such thoughts say something about you, nothing about them. You are the one having those thoughts. When you see this clearly, forgive yourself. If you don't see this, true forgiveness is impossible. All people are the most lovable beings in the world, not because of their attributes, but because they exist.
Relinquish your egoistic thoughts about the world.
Your life is not about you or how the world relates to you. Drop your mind-made stories. Stop your egoistic false sense of identity now. When you don't know who you are, you forgive everyone. When you know who you are, you are everyone.

Forgiveness day affirmation
”No one in my world needs to be forgiven, but I am always the one who needs to forgive.”

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7 days of presence | a course in inner peace