Day 5 is all about being attentive to your sense of identity. The sense of identity you call 'I' has been mostly steering your actions until this point. This elusive thing within, also known as 'the ego' is the root cause of all your psychological pain—from the smallest grain of irritation to the deepest of sufferings. Relentless awareness of this false sense of identity will root it out. You are not who you think you are. If you're sincere with this and earnest in finding who you are, the ego cannot prevail. The cracks in the patterns of your false identity will let the true Self shine through.

The ’I’ within seems to be the thinker of thoughts. In your every thought, someone appears to be the thinker of thoughts. This someone is the idea of yourself—the 'I, a symbol for who you are. Every time the 'I' arises, your need for control arises. You seek control through your knowledge. This means thoughts are your attempt to control your world. However, thoughts are very limiting, and when control slips away, suffering is prone to arise. Relinquish your need for control and let life happen to you. A natural and miraculous consequence of this is peace. The 'I' will wither away like it never existed at all.

When you try to find the 'I', it proves to be non-existent. There is no thinker of thoughts in between the thoughts. So, give attention to the 'I' in every thought. Soon, it will start to fade away to nothingness, from where it came. As a result, your thoughts revolving around the false identity will gradually crumble into dust. Whatever remains is profoundly transformed. Your perception of life becomes much simpler and more peaceful.

your guidance today

Give attention to your thoughts.

The simple fact that you can be aware of your thoughts indicates that you are not your thoughts. They are something ephemeral that come and go. You are the one who remains. Ask yourself: "Is there any truth in something that so easily comes and goes?" Maybe, but such temporary truths will not show you true peace.

Give attention to the openings in between your thoughts.

There is no thinker of thoughts when all thoughts have disappeared. Find out what happens to your need for control when there are no thoughts. Let life happen as it does without actively seeking control. Everything will still happen just as likely, and you find yourself floating above the fragments of your identity's mirror. Some memories might still surface here and there, but you know they are not you. Who you are transcends the idea of you—not forcefully and pretentiously, but silently and compassionately.

Ask yourself the question: "Who am I?"

The question need not be clad in words. The true answer cannot even come in words. Thinking adds nothing to this self-inquiry, so you must relinquish all thoughts while on this. Find out who you are before and beyond all your ideas of yourself. Dismantle all your armors. Strip away all your preconceived answers to the question. Turn within. Stay within. Wonder, investigate, and cultivate your essential nature. This act alone can reveal lasting inner peace.

Give attention to the self within.

When thoughts arise, do not follow their trails into the world. Track the thoughts back into yourself. You will find out there is an 'I' behind every single thought. When you become aware of the 'I' without any external reference points, it will dissolve, and only the Self remains.